Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Bikey

I've been looking for a bike for Nelli for a while and I finally got one!  I was dropping off some things at a thrift store near our house when I saw this gem.  I asked if it was for sale and the guy said, "ya, I'll give it to you for 9 bucks." I told him I'd give him $8- so dorky I know... Well he said he'd stick a tag on it for $8 and it was mine.  I was so excited!  Nelli has wanted one for a while now and I wanted one that had the tall handle bars so I could use it like a stroller.  The bikes I was looking at were over $100, so I feel like I got a great deal.

The first time she saw it she said, "bikey, bikey." So now we call it her "bikey" and my bike is just "the bike." That makes it pretty nice because we go for "bike" rides most mornings around the lake and she plays on her "bikey" with her friends or when we go for walks.  I even mix up my running and take her on her bikey instead of my jogging stroller. She loves watching the pedals go around so fast (she can't quite reach them so she puts them on the foot rest).  We also walk to the library and sometimes the grocery store with it, which are within a half mile from home.

Another cool feature of the bikey is that you can remove the tall handle bars when she's big enough to ride it on her own.
Just a funny face :)


  1. I am so glad you posted! I have been dying for an update. I love Nelli's bikey :) We got Marlee a Dora bike at the goodwill and she also cannot reach the pedals. I miss my Nel.

    1. I can just imagine when we get together again. She won't let you put her down :)

  2. I'm with Meghann...I was so excited to see a new post! Keep 'em coming :0) And what a cool bike. Love it! Man I am behind in the bike department. I love that Brie is almost 4 and we've never gotten her a bike. Maybe next time at the Outlet I'll keep an eye out ;0)

  3. That is so great that you found a bargain bike for Nelli, and it is great that it is pink and purple and girly, because when I was little my dad would only let me have a bike in a neutral color (blue or red) so that it could be passed on to Derek when I outgrew it, I remember that my first bike was red with removable training wheels...I can't believe Nelli is already grown up enough to have a her very own bike...miss you guys!
