Sunday, August 28, 2011


So, we got some more fun car time in on our drive to see Jason, Leah, and the kids in Iowa City, who just moved into a great neighborhood and ward. And it's just four and a half hours away... kind of funny how now being so far from everyone, four and a half hours seems so close!  We'll definitely be going back there.

Nelli is loving stuffed animals now, especially this pink bunny that Sheila and Larry gave her. She is drawn to the music it plays when we pull it's tail. I asked Nelli what we should name her and she said, "sa." "Like sally?" I said. She then quickly said, "ya." So, the bunny's name is now Sally, whom we affectionately call Sa.

Also, another cute fact. When we had FHE last week we folded our arms dramatically to show Nelli what we do for prayers. She copied us!! Amazing! She's only 8 months old. It did only last for a split second, but still she amazed us. She's a good one. Yes, we will keep her =)


  1. That little video is so cute! We need to do a better job taking video or our little baby.

  2. That is so precious. Our kids didn't do stuffed animals till recently. Alex keeps his zoo of stuffed animals on his bed.
