Monday, October 4, 2010

Shoes That Match

So, my favorite story this week happened on Monday morning when I was cleaning up from being at Ruth's and then Grandma Tanner's for General Conference (which I wish I had pictures of).  It was super fun to go to the Conference building to watch the Saturday morning session with Ruth and feel of the Spirit that permeated that gorgeous building as the prophets and apostles spoke.  Back to my story... Taylor had left for school and I was putting away things from the weekend away.  When I was putting my shoes in the closet I noticed that both of Taylor's jogging shoes were on the bottom of the closet, no, one of each of his jogging shoes were in the closet.  I started laughing and called Taylor.  He picked up to me laughing and I asked him how comfortable his shoes were feeling.  There was a pause and then an, " Oh my heck!!! I didn't even notice".  Then he started laughing with me :)  What a hubby!

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