Thursday, June 2, 2011

My First Post-Pregnancy Race

BYU put on a 5K race for the Cure for Cancer and I ran it with my running buddy, Donna Ridge.  She has a chill personality until you get her in the race.  You'd think she was a football coach or something :).  I ran faster than I thought I could and it made me want to work on speed in my workout schedule from now on.  It's so fun to have somone to run with every morning...and great motivation to get out of bed.  I really enjoy her optimism and faith.  We have some good cnversations on the gospel, our challenges as new moms and how to deal with them better.  She is always very encouraging and hopeful.  I'll miss her when we move in a few months for Grad school.  We started running at 10 am, then after a few months moved it to 6.  I'm learning to really love the early morning breeze wisping through my hair. Another perk is Taylor gets a little Nelli time while I'm out.